Make an appointment to visit my showroom after June 5 (Contact Page). I'll get back to you. Thanks.

Sculptural Art

Narrative drives concept in my work whether it's a social issue or an animal's ways in our socially pre-conceived and hopefully ever-expanding world. This visual narrative is often comprised of objects created out of glass and other materials. For me and, hopefully, you this is candy for the eye and thought for the brain which eventually opens us up to interesting and meaningful conversations.

Below is a collection of work I dedicated to my exploration of the corvus species as perceived through our socio cultural prism. I really enjoyed learning about the behavior of these beautiful and smart animals. I also spent quite a bit of time falling in love with the forms these birds take on in our shared environment. For example, I discovered that I could spend a long time savoring that sculptural transition from head to beak (which differs slightly from crow to raven), and my process behind the form of the beak itself was so rich in constructing volume and reaching directionality.

All four totems are currently on view through September 22, 2024 at
Danforth Annual Juried Exhibition 2024

Sculptural Art Totems created by Liliana Glenn, dedicated to the Corvus Species.

Left to Right:  - TotemIII: Mates For Life - juried into, Birds of the Rocky Mountain Region, Exhibition at the Brinton Museum, May-June, 2023.  - TotemIV: Raven Femme - juried into, The Sacred Feminine, Exhibition at LACA, March, 2023. - TotemI & TotemII: Ordinary Pleasures - juried into, The Crow Show, Exhibition at The Studio Door, Februrary, 2023.